Logo BLT

Bright Laser Technology (BLT)

Introduced to the market in 2011, BLT keeps breaking records.

This chinese company of Xi’an sells the biggest SLM machines available on the market, with printing volumes reaching a cubic meter.

The available materials are the following :

Matériaux BLT

Very quickly, the company made sure to devellop fondamental partnership, with for exemple Airbus for the production of parts in chain for the new A330 Neo.

BLT - Engine Integration Component

Turbine of a turbojet, printed with the S800 in superalloy

The company has a great amount of machines, which allows them to fullfil service tasks, in particular for very big dimensions parts.

BLT knew how to become one of the leading actor of additive manufacturing, and delivers today equipment and service of high quality. Those out-of-range machines associated with its all-included service makes of this manufacturer an excellent partner of Multistation to respond to a demand of great dimension parts in LPBF, or even machines.