Virtual - Du 8.06 au 10.06
It is an exclusive meeting point between research, education, contractors and service providers, with a permanent focus on the state of the market, with workshops dedicated to many of the key aspects of the chain. of value (both physical and digital) integrating additive manufacturing, in areas as diverse as health, construction, key performance factors, the environment and sustainable development.
Since the first in 1992, these Assises have been European or even international. There is indeed a lot to learn in terms of the insights of foreign experts (things are happening quickly at home too!), As well as the main advances of national and European projects!
They also showcase the very latest innovations in the field, awarded the AFPR Trophies! All applicants are welcome, because we do not know everything, we do not know everything, even if our members follow international news as closely as possible and constantly contribute to it on a daily basis!